Symptoms of Anxiety attack - By: Musarrat Sheikh

Description : Although anxiety attack symptoms can seem serious, they are not very harmful. There are some medicines that can cause symptoms that can look like those of anxiety attack, when this happens notify your doctor. The good news is that it is very easy to identify and you will not confuse it with other diseases. The attacks are as a response of having fear and not a medical condition. They are just sensory sensations brought about by the preparation of the body to deal with the action that is triggering the fear. They are an indication that the levels of the stress hormones are high in the body.
The most common anxiety symptoms are; the fear that something bad is going to happen and that you are in great danger, a lot of confusion, a great urge to escape and get away from danger. The person will look pale and turn white, the skin will blotch and he will turn red and will blush a lot. The inability to stay calm, always freaking out without any reason, emotional distress and upset, hot and cold chills, nausea and feeling like they have a tight notch in the stomach. They will have the fear of going crazy, fearful thought that wont go away, dizziness with a lot of light headedness, will feel like their skin is burning, they will fell as if their throats are being tightened or closing, they will feel detached from the reality and will separate them selves with normal emotions. They will have tingling sensations in some parts of the body.
They will have some panic attacks, pounding heart, difficulty in breathing with shortness of breath, stomach upsets, nausea and sometimes will vomit, pains in the neck, face, shoulder, chest and in the head, shaking or trembling, stuffed ears and a feeling of being pricked by pins or needles. The symptoms will vary from person to person depending on the intensity and frequency of the occurrences of attacks. The anxiety attacks are resolvable once you get the right treatment.
In our every day life we have so many activities to do that we might end up breaking something in our bodies, getting injuries or just acquiring some disease. The medical symptoms guide will help you notice what problem you have according to the symptoms that you have. The symptoms can be of anything from fever symptoms, joint pain symptoms, nausea symptoms, pneumonia symptoms, chest pain symptoms. Asthma symptoms, fainting symptoms, excessive sweating symptoms, bronchitis symptoms, irregular period's symptoms, sore throat symptoms, rectal bleeding symptoms. The list is endless. This is because for every problem that you might have, it will be accompanied by some symptoms. When you have persistent symptoms it is better if you visit the doctor to explain to him what you are feeling so that he can get to the bottom of the problem. Be careful with what you explain to him and do not underestimate or overestimate what you are feeling. What you will tell him is what will determine what he will treat you for. but before you visit the doctor you can check the guide for medical symptoms to have an idea of what your problem might be.

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Author Resource : This article touched the basics of the topic. I have 2 more resources related to the above. They are anxiety attack symptoms and at my blog">medical symptoms guide. Do consider reading them.